Unlike traditional meditation where one may have difficulty sitting or gaining awareness of the thoughts and patterns of the mind, yoga Nidra is resting awareness, effortlessly lying down in Savasana pose.
Yoga Nidra is a sleep-based meditation technique. You don’t have to learn it because your body already knows how. It’s a very natural method of meditation because it adheres to the body’s biology of falling asleep. Every night when you’re going to sleep there’s one thing you have to do, let go of your thoughts. If that does not happen you will not fall asleep. As Jake and Roy guide you through a series of body scans, breathing patterns, and visuals you will reach the sleep-like state slowly and effortlessly.
You will progressively empty the contents of the mind by moving down through brain wave states where there are naturally fewer and fewer thoughts which leads to the endless benefits of yoga Nidra. In yoga Nidra you have the chance to see where the formless moves into the form before thoughts become fruition, you’re able to find the route of many of the body’s ailments and illnesses, rather than only treating symptoms. That’s why Yoga Nidra is absolutely healing. What to expect Settling in. First I advise everyone to lay down comfortably with pillows, blankets,s and eye masks if desired. (Maximum comfort is necessary because we will try not to move the body during the whole session. Over time resisting the persistent mind’s request for bodily movement will allow us to penetrate the thinking mind and transcend the thinking).
Physical layer.
After the first stage of settling in we then begin to draw our awareness completely inwards as we got a series of body scans from head to toe. You may hear cues like, “relax your head, your arms, relax your legs, your upper body, your lower back,” etc. The body is spoken to directly and observed.
Energetic layer.
Now we shine the light of awareness on our energetic body. You may be asked to simply observe your inhalation and exhalation, or we may deepen your breath. The aim is that as you focus on your breath, some of the energetic restrictions in your body are released. Then this layer, just like the physical layer, drops away and we move deeper.
Emotional later.
Here we will guide you through general sensations, like heaviness in lightness. Cold and hot. The cool part of this exercise is that you may be able to feel that the emotional body is indeed a separate layer and that you are in fact not anxious, happy, or the anger, and those are reactions or emotions that merely occur within you. You may notice a separate you emerges- the real you, your natural state. A lot of healing occurs here because we have the opportunity to detach from our emotions, and then a new level of consciousness is experienced. You may understand this idea intellectually, but Yoga Nidra offers the chance actually experience this.
After spending time focusing and concentrating on each subtle layer of the body, there is typically a feeling of unity between body, breath, and mind. The feeling is one of wholeness, and frequently a feeling of peace and comfort while in complete silence. We often allow at least several minutes of pure silence so you can completely be absorbed in this blissful state.